Current world ranking leader Danielle Scott who has been on the podium for all three World Cups this season, will be wanting to defend her position.
“The latest training block went well although the warm weather hung around and we lost a few days to that,” Danielle said.
“The conditions were frustrating but I was able to keep the ball rolling with my jumping and I’m looking forward to the incredible atmosphere that the Deer Valley World Cup always has to offer.”
Olympic Gold and Bronze medallist Lydia is back, having reached the final six in Lake Placid.
“Training is going Ok. It’s been a tough week as Kai starts school and I'll miss Alek's birthday next week,” said the mum of two. “Otherwise jumping has been fine and I’m looking forward to competing again after a long break between events.”
The strong Australian Flying Kangaroos Team is in the enviable position of having every member as a genuine podium finisher on any given day. That is true for Laura Peel who is ready to make it back into the Super Final and said after Lake Placid that the few weeks break between events will be valuable training and a “good time to ‘dial the jumps in a bit’.”
World Cup bronze medallist, Samantha Wells also made the final in Lake Placid and is considered the quiet achiever of the group.
For the men, Dave Morris will be chasing the Sochi 2014 Olympic gold medallist Anton Kushnir from Belarus who is riding high atop the leaderboard after three years away from the sport.
Morris is looking stronger and says he “had a good day of training today”.
Deer Valley sees the return of the strong Chinese aerials team after their top squad sat out competition in Lake Placid.
Despite not competing in Lake Placid, Chinese aerialists hold second overall on both the ladies’ and men’s side, with top lady Xu Mengtao and top man Qi Guangpu both owning two previous victories in Deer Valley.