Then after a poor 2016/17 World Cup season by his own high standards, Morris put it together when he needed to, to claim World Championships bronze.
Now just a fortnight out from competing in his third Olympic Games he has landed the hardest jump there is in the book.
Comprising of three flips and five twists, Morris successfully landed the jump at the Australian aerials team’s pre-Olympic training camp in Ruka, Finland.
Morris had been successfully practicing the jump off the water ramps in Utah but was waiting for the right conditions to try it on snow.
“Unleashing the secret weapon before the main event,” Morris said on his Instagram.
“Today the weather was perfect so I decided to go for it."
“It’s a career first, an Australian first, and the reason I returned to the sport.
“I’ll give myself the benefit of not being perfect straight away and I know I can make this a lot better.”
Now the focus turns to doing it in his next competition – the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
Morris competes in qualification on Day 8 (February 17) before finals take place the following night.
Matt Bartolo