National Careers Week is an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia and aims to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development. Ultimately, career development is about much more than jobs – it is about how to live your life!
There are several great events happening around the country during National Careers Week, you can check them out here.
What are your career aspirations outside of sport?
I would say I'm currently exploring my options for what comes next. I've had my dream job for the past 15 years and hopefully still a few more ahead of me! It's going to be a big void to fill, but I hope to always be involved in my sport in one way or another.
What are you working on to develop your skills and knowledge for a career away from sport?
I graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) in 2019, and I'm now halfway through a Master of Professional Accounting - big thanks to Open Universities Australia and the Victorian Institute of Sport, their partnership has made postgraduate studies possible for me! I'm also a member of 2023 EY Women Athletes Business Network (WABN) global mentoring program. Through this program I've been paired with a great female business leader as a mentor, and also connected with my athlete peers from around the world. It's been an incredible opportunity to learn more about the parallels between business and sport and make some lifelong connections.
Right now I'm really enjoying the process of discovery. Exploring my different interests and what I do and don't like during my sporting career really takes the pressure off, meaning I don't have to decide right now which path I want to follow.
How important are your support networks to help you balance your career and/or education?
I think a good support network is key to success in any area of life. I'm very grateful that my support network has always encouraged me to explore my interests and opportunities from sport to study/work and everything in between.
Can you share how your confidence has grown from your work, study, volunteer roles?
I've been on the road with my sport 9+months per year basically since I finished high school. I knew I had learnt a lot of relevant and transferable skills throughout my sporting career, but I was feeling a bit apprehensive about how I would fit into a more traditional workplace where other people my age had had over a decade of experience. Taking up the opportunity of a Virtual Internship through the AIS massively helped to put my mind at ease and boost my confidence in a different setting.
What’s a tip you could give other athletes thinking of studying, working, volunteering whilst still training and competing?
I would say don't wait until your sporting career has come to an end before you start exploring your interests away from sport. You can't do everything all at once, but you can achieve a lot over time if you just keep chipping away.